Slavek Kwi Artificial Memory Trace - SOUND_am-I |
WARNING: Do not read! The more information you absorb, the more influenced you’ll be in the way you listen; the further you read, the more difficult it will be for you to listen without PRE_concepts (=pre_JUDGEMENTS). LISTEN. There is nothing to be understood. No comprehension required accessing this work. Don’t get distracted by any meaning that these sounds might provoke in your mind. Basically, any sound is abstract and without any reference to its origin and experience. there is not any association with origin of sounds employed! Collage of RE_ality-particles: List of Sounds = Slavek Kwi is sound-artist, composer and researcher whose main interest lies in the phenomena of perception as the fundamental determinant of relations with Reality. From the early nineties Slavek has operated under the name Artificial Memory Trace. He has published numerous CD/LP-albums on international labels. AMT works are performed, distributed and/or broadcasted across Europe, North America, Australia and Mexico. Collaboration piece realized with Eric La Casa “Vibratility.Mozaik” received recently Prize of the Electroacoustic Sonic Art Category in the 29th International Competition of Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art, Bourges 2002 in France. He facilitates experimental sound-workshops with autistic children and those with learning disabilities. The workshop technique places emphasis on extensive listening and the stimulation of creativity through observation and the support of natural tendencies. Currently he works in St.Brendan’s Psychiatric Hospital and for The National Concert Hall in Dublin, Ireland.